“Our essential instinct and passion is your anchor in a world of creativity”
The word “Art” stems from the Latin word Artis or Ars, with its original roots in Greek (τέχνη) referring to an acquired skill. For the Greeks, however, it had more correlation with teaching, where the master was skilled in a manual activity and transmitted his knowledge to a pupil since the pupil, as any neophyte, is not born knowing
The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance
– Aristotle –

At Anchorage, our primary goal is to protect and enhance our clients’ art collections. In an opaque market, we are unwaveringly dedicated to providing a service that respects our clients’ privacy and offers works of art that are not available on the open market, reinforcing our commitment to exclusivity

Honesty, transparency, and accountability come first for us, with buyers and sellers taking equal priority. Our team is dedicated to keeping each transaction safe even if “Art does not reflect what is seen, rather it makes the hidden visible” (Paul Klee).

In an oversaturated market where so many individuals claim knowledge and expertise, we stand back with Paul Cézanne to “not be art critics, but to paint, as there lies the salvation”.

We reach our goals by working closely with our seller and buyer clients. “Creativity takes courage” (Henri Matisse); thus, we do not hesitate to ask for help from our team of specialists, valuing their skills and supporting each other to leverage our strengths. We also do not shy away from seeking external assistance, if needed, to provide our clients with the most comprehensive and personal service possible.

Our clients are a diverse range of international families, individuals, family offices, museums, and foundations – charitable or otherwise. Our expertise and dedication enable us to meet their specific requirements, from the seller to the buyer of old masters or impressionists, of modern art to contemporary art because we agree with André Berne-Joffroy that “what begins in the work of Caravaggio is, quite simply, modern painting”.